Synopsis: Based on a true story about a caring and beautiful little girl named Jeannetta Lacole Robinson (Little Netta) and her remarkable act of kindness, Little Netta’s Gift is an inspiring story about the spirit of giving. Little Netta’s birthday is two days after Christmas, and at her sixth birthday party she showed tremendous compassion for others by giving her gifts to children attending her party after learning they did not receive Christmas gifts. This rhythmic read-aloud is sure to stir the souls of children, families, and friends everywhere.
Social Impact: A portion of the proceeds from book sales will be used to support the Lil’ Jeannetta Robinson Gifts of Love program, which provides gifts to children in low-income communities in an effort to ensure every child experiences the joy of the holiday season.
Book type: Full Color Hardcover Picture Book
Pages: 32
Age: 3+
Trim size: 8.5" x 8.5"
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